The Guest Blogger Program at allows approved partners to post recipes or related food content. Opportunities exist to both promote your existing web presence as well as generate revenue through the Guest Blogger Program. Of course, if you simply have a great recipe you want to share with the world, that's okay too.
Here's how it works:
- Email your request to join the guest blogger program to [email protected]. Include details of your interest in our program, working within the guidelines set out below.
- If accepted into the program, you may submit posts for publication as often as you like.
- By submitting a post for publication, you warrant that any content submitted is owned by you and you have the right to publish it online.
- Submitted posts may not include affiliate program links from your personal and / or business accounts.
- Submitted posts may contain no more than two externally facing non-affiliate links. These links may omit rel="nofollow" however any site you will be linking to must provide a persistent (global navigation, sidebar, etc) link back to These return links may be in the form of a text link or an image link (we can provide images).
- We reserve the right to reject any submitted post, or delete any existing post, if we feel the submitted content violates any of the above guidelines or is simply not a good fit or our site.
- Acceptance into the guest blogger program does not guarantee any commitment in volume of posts submitted or published by either party, and either party may terminate the relationship at any time.
That's it. Pretty simple, huh?