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April 2010

April 14, 2010

Black Bean Salad


With summer getting closer it's time to brush up on some quick sides and salads that are versatile enough to serve with just about anything. This one came from my wife asking me to pick up a bean salad from the deli counter, but the line was just too long and, well, why not make it yourself?

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April 01, 2010

Three Mushroom Soup


Years ago, when I lived in a small studio apartment on East 61st Street in Manhattan, I grew fond of the Hungarian Mushroom Soup recipe in the Moosewood Cookbook. When the weather would turn, I'd make myself a batch - freezing some and keeping some handy for the week ahead. The recipe followed me to Brooklyn and the soup would fortify me before heading over to Tom's place for our weekly chess game. 

I haven't made that soup in a long time, and I haven't played chess with Tom in even longer. I got to thinking about those days and figured it was time to make some Mushroom Soup again. This one is different from the Moosewood version, but it serves all the same purposes. 

Maybe I should give Tom a call, too.

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